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in July 2024
How to run Iodine for IP over DNS
How to use Let's Encrypt with Apache
How to use apache2 for port redirects
How to install a BRouter web instance on a pc or server
Brouter add tag for wheelchair routing
Build .rd5 routing file for BRouter from .pbf file
Share current folder via HTTP
Extend ext4 lvm
install prosody on VPS
Compare SSH fingerprints
Fix Broadcom slow wifi with Debian 11 bullseye
Turn off Samsung smartphone without lockscreen
Save the contents of a webpage
Laptop Hotspot (noch fehlerhaft)
UK camping websites
SSH Login mit Passwort deaktivieren
Ampeln in BRouter
Large cursor with xfce and big caret with GTK3
Apache2 with PHP
Recover a deleted file from a hard drive while the filesystem and drive are still intact
OSM: make a relation child of another using JOSM
Resize a logical volume when using LVM
Modify an APK (Android application)
Rename package name of an APK (Android application) (not yet double-checked)
Start system using kvm
Anleitung: Datei Original.txt mit Zufallsdaten überschreiben und danach löschen.
Docker Spickzettel
Debian Programmfenster Kopfzeile unsichtbar
Musik mit Pulseaudio und Simple Protocol Player von Linux zu Android streamen
Thumbnails in pcmanfm für Videos anzeigen
PHP mit Curl unter Apache verwenden
Alle Fehler in PHP anzeigen
Rechner mit Nat über anderen Rechner verbinden
Squid cache with SSL
Uberspace K9-Mail Konfiguration
avconv audio massiv komprimieren
LED Leuchtmittel flackert
Strommix 2016
RTL USA Verbündete
Summertime Survey Captcha
Tchibo Sim abgeschaltet
recursive folder checksums
Nettokom einzelne Sim geht 2 Tage nicht
no cookies
no javascript
no third parties
typed manually in pure html
how unprofessional